纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-CAA媒体融资以处理“ Lost Leonardo”制作人的Buzzy Art World Doc的销售(独家)/CAA Media Finance to Handle Sales for Buzzy Art World Doc From ‘The Lost Leonardo’ Producers (EXCLUSIVE)
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/hddoc/news/2022/07/0501/1728adagpwzckmo.jpgCAA媒体融资以处理“ Lost Leonardo”制作人的Buzzy Art World Doc的销售(独家)
CAA Media Finance to Handle Sales for Buzzy Art World Doc From ‘The Lost Leonardo’ Producers (EXCLUSIVE)
CAA Media Finance代表了“ Lost Leonardo”制作人的新纪录片的全球发行权,综艺节目都可以揭示。无标题的项目遵循瑞士艺术经销商和俄罗斯寡头,被秘密,谎言和疯狂的钱网,俄罗斯寡头捕获,讲述了一款国际,十亿美元游戏的内部故事,其中权力是最终的货币。这部电影是由安德烈亚斯·达尔斯加德(Andreas Dalsgaard)的麋鹿电影(丹麦)和克里斯托弗·约尔格(ChristophJörg)制作的,用于Pumpernickel Films(法国),并由Dalsgaard执导,Dalsgaard的先前导演的荣誉包括“人类秤”和“战争表演”。 - 新纪录片遵循2015年爆发的丑闻,瑞士商人和自由巨头巨头伊夫·布维尔(Yves Bouvier)被捕,“一个非常谨慎的家伙,突然在摩纳哥被捕,被指控从俄罗斯寡头Dmitry dmitry rybolovlev抢走了十亿美元。通过]购买了38件大师,” Dalsgaard说。R将其描述为“ 21世纪收集的私人手中最大的艺术品”,价值为23亿美元。 “我们谈论的是Leonardo da Vinci绘画,毕加索绘画,Rothkos。在被捕之后,Bouvier和Rybolovlev开始在七个不同国家进行一系列法律斗争,指控和反应在媒体中来回飞行。这场战斗一直持续到今天。无标题的电影通过证人的叙述,律师,调查记者,作家和数百个法院文件来重现他们的和平与战争的二十年,从而揭示了所谓的“ Bouvier事件”背后的真相。 Dalsgaard说:“我们在这里讲的是关于他们如何建立自己的收藏以及战争是如何产生的故事,并一直遵循直到今天。” CAA Media Finance正在为这部电影安排融资。制片人本周在哥本哈根举行的哥本哈根,在CPH:FORUM:INT,THE INT期间投入嗡嗡声。哥本哈根国际局(Copenhagen Intl)举行的现场融资和联合制作活动。纪录片电影节(CPH:DOX),将于3月23日至4月3日举行。这部电影紧随著名的纪录片《迷失的莱昂纳多》(The Lost Leonardo)的紧跟着,讲述了萨尔维特·蒙迪(Salvator Mundi)的故事,这是耶稣基督的晦涩肖像。2005年,两名艺术经销商开始相信这是莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)的失落杰作。这幅画 - 二人仅以1,175美元的价格购买 - 在2017年以4.5亿美元的价格在拍卖会上销售,这是艺术品的唱片销售。各种各样的欧文·格里伯曼(Owen Glieberman)将“失落的伦纳多”描述为“令人着迷的艺术世界之谜,”补充说:“安德烈亚斯·科夫德(Andreas Koefoed)的纪录片使您兴奋着萨尔维特·蒙迪(Mundi)是否是莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)的真实绘画。但是这部电影的真正主题是艺术如何成为力量。”
CAA Media Finance is representing worldwide distribution rights to a new documentary feature from the producers of “The Lost Leonardo,” Variety can reveal.
The untitled project follows a Swiss art dealer and Russian oligarch caught in a web of secrets, lies and mad money, telling the inside story of an international, billion-dollar game where power is the ultimate currency. The film is produced by Andreas Dalsgaard for Elk Film (Denmark) and Christoph Jörg for Pumpernickel Films (France) and directed by Dalsgaard, whose previous directing credits include “The Human Scale" and “The War Show.”
The pulled-from-the-headlines documentary follows the scandal that erupted in 2015 with the arrest of the Swiss businessman and free port magnate Yves Bouvier, "a very discreet guy who was suddenly arrested in Monaco, accused of swindling a billion dollars from the Russian oligarch Dmitry Rybolovlev… the purchase of 38 masterworks,” according to Dalsgaard.
The director described it as “the biggest art collection in private hands gathered in the 21st century,” with a value of $2.3 billion. “We’re talking about Leonardo da Vinci paintings, Picasso paintings, Rothkos. Top of the line.”
In the aftermath of the arrest, Bouvier and Rybolovlev began fighting a series of legal battles in seven different countries, with accusations and counter-accusations flying back and forth in the media. The battle continues to this day.
The untitled film recreates two decades of their peace and war through witness accounts, lawyers, investigative journalists, writers, and hundreds of court documents, unraveling the truth behind the so-called “Bouvier Affair.” “What we’re telling here is the story about how they built their collection and how the war came about, and following it all the way up until today,” said Dalsgaard. CAA Media Finance is arranging financing for the film.
The producers were in Copenhagen this week pitching the buzzy project during CPH:FORUM, the international financing and co-production event held during the Copenhagen Intl. Documentary Film Festival (CPH:DOX), which runs March 23-April 3.
The film comes on the heels of the acclaimed documentary “The Lost Leonardo,” which tells the story of the Salvator Mundi, an obscure portrait of Jesus Christ discovered by two art dealers in 2005, who came to believe it was a lost masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci. The painting – which the duo bought for just $1,175 – would go on to sell at auction for $450 million in 2017, a record sale for a work of art.
Variety’s Owen Glieberman described “The Lost Leonardo” as “an enthralling art-world mystery,” adding: “Andreas Koefoed’s documentary hooks you with the mystery of whether the Salvator Mundi is an authentic painting by Leonardo da Vinci. But the film’s real subject is how art becomes power.”
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