我爱高清 发表于 2022-7-5 00:47:21

纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-热门文档:在线市场,现场行业会议旨在激发重新连接/Hot Docs: Market Stays Online, Live Industry Conference Aims to Spark Reconnection

Hot Docs: Market Stays Online, Live Industry Conference Aims to Spark Reconnection

Hot Docs的市场活动在2022年保持在线活动,以最大程度地提高功能-DOC团队,金融家和其他决策者之间的互动,但其为期三天的面对面行业会议正在混合热门话题(乌克兰,Equity),First Food Food Fool(进行制作的放映)和网络操作(休息室和午餐),以促进电影节的行业计划总监伊丽莎白·拉德肖(Elizabeth Radshaw)所说的“偶然时刻”。热门文档行业在4月30日至5月2日在Tiff Bell Lightbox和附近的5月2日在Tiff Bell Lightbox中展开。安大略省美术馆,重新定位多伦多市中心商业和娱乐区的行业中心 - 许多国际工业代表的熟悉地,并允许在热门文档的公共筛查和行业组件之间进行更深入的整合。2022的过渡性,混合版延续过去两年,论坛的仅在线版本(节日的大选赛事)和一对一的交易商和分销会合会议计划,事实证明是成功的。“我们能够吸引那些忙于戛纳而无法参加的买家,但他们可以在网上参加大量会议,” Radshaw上周对Variety表示。她说,由于同事仍然造成许多不确定性和限制性的旅行,在线填补了一个关键的空白,并且考虑到航空旅行和其他因素的环境影响,在市场驱动的事件(例如热门文档)中的永久组成部分。”我们在一起度过的时间是有效而有价值的,我们将为这一前进的席位而占有一席之地。”根据HOT Docs网站,来自25多个国家/地区的200多名买家(来自美国,加拿大,英国和法国的强者)正在网上和/或亲自参加。 Radshaw指出,分销商很好R主张(最有可能是因为他们进行了标题放映),就像主要的彩带一样。会议在周六早上与奥斯卡提名的电影制片人(1987年的“谁杀死了Vincent Chin”)进行了交谈,并自称为“ Loudmouth”克里斯汀·乔伊开创性的工作和强烈的意见力量“流放”。 (大多数会议将在本周晚些时候在线上。)虽然所有行业持有人都可以从5月3日开始在线观看虚拟论坛的音调会议(于4月26日举行),但行业实时持有人将获得独家的预付款。通过Hot Docs论坛回答“观看派对”,与会者在其中观看精选音调,然后是专家反馈。SlavaUkraini(5月1日)会议是一个机会,可以从乌克兰的电影制片人那里听到正在记录他们的经历的电影制片人,并扩展了对话给来自其他地方的电影制片人,他们的工作也受到了不稳定和冲突的影响。Ngton,Hot Docs的有史以来首次进行的制作放映(5月1日)在生产或职位的后期展示了Hot Docs校友的六个创新国际项目;项目团队成员将可以与出席的决策者建立联系。项目包括Carola Fuentes'和Rafael Valdeavellano的“打破砖块”(智利;该国也在2022年的2022年音乐节“ Made in Made Posplight”中),“伟大的实验”(美国),“塞纳拉”(加拿大),“乔纳姆”(美国),“死海的悼词”(加拿大)和“钢铁公司”,约有三名年轻的乌克兰战争退伍军人,他们返回家乡只面对一个随着2022年2月的俄罗斯入侵开始,新的挑战。通过Hot Docs与乌克兰最大的纪录片UA的纪录片UA的合作,“公司”和Slava Ukraini会议进行了制作的审查,这是可能的。 3月下旬在基辅(Kyiv),但“由于战争而推迟”,其网站明确表示。H进入新的,以玛丽·纳尔逊(Marie Nelson)和玛莎·库克(Marsha Cooke)为特色,讨论了他们在ABC和ESPN电影中扮演的角色中充满活力的工作。完整的行业时间表可在Hot Docs网站上找到。

Hot Docs’ market events remain online in 2022 to maximize interactions between feature-doc teams, financiers, and other decision-makers, but its three-day, in-person industry conference is mingling hot topics (Ukraine, equity), first looks (works-in-progress screenings), and networking ops (lounges and lunches) to facilitate what the festival’s industry program director Elizabeth Radshaw calls “moments of serendipity.”

Hot Docs Industry LIVE unfolds April 30 to May 2 in the TIFF Bell Lightbox and nearby Art Gallery of Ontario, repositioning the industry hub in Toronto’s downtown business and entertainment district—familiar ground to many international industry reps—and allowing for deeper integration between Hot Docs’ public screening and industry components.

2022's transitional, hybrid edition continues the market format of the past two years, online-only editions of the Forum—the festival’s marquee pitch event—and the one-on-one Dealmaker and Distribution Rendezvous meeting programs, which proved successful.

“We were able to bring in buyers that were too busy with Cannes to attend, but they could take a ton of meetings online,” Radshaw told Variety last week. With Covid still causing much uncertainty and restricted travel for many, online fills a critical gap now, she said, and could become a permanent component for market-driven events such as Hot Docs, considering the environmental impact of air travel and other factors.

“The time we spend together is valid and valuable and we’re going to hold a place for that going forward,” Radshaw said, “and for the efficiency of good business will hold space for that online because it’s an access point for people around the world to participate.”

According to the Hot Docs website, more than 200 buyers from over 25 countries (strong numbers from U.S., Canada, U.K. and France) are participating online and/or in person. In terms of who will be physically in town, Radshaw notes that distributors are well represented—most likely because they have a title screening—as are major streamers.

The conference kicks off Saturday morning with a conversation with Oscar-nominated filmmaker (1987’s “Who Killed Vincent Chin”) and self-confessed “loudmouth” Christine Choy, whose ground-breaking work and strong opinions power “The Exiles.” (Most conference sessions will be available online later in the week.)

While all industry passholders can view the virtual Forum pitch sessions (which were held April 26, 27) online starting May 3, industry live-pass holders will get an exclusive advance look via the Hot Docs Forum Talk Back “viewing parties,” where attendees watch select pitches followed by expert feedback.

The Slava Ukraini (May 1) session is an opportunity to hear from filmmakers based in Ukraine who are documenting their experiences, and extend the conversation to filmmakers from other places whose work has also been affected by destabilization and conflict.

Hosted by Julian Carrington, Hot Docs’ first-ever Works-in-Progress Screenings (May 1, 2) showcase six innovative international projects, from Hot Docs alumni, in late stages of production or post; project team members will be available to connect with decision-makers in attendance.

Projects include Carola Fuentes’ and Rafael Valdeavellano’s “Breaking the Brick” (Chile; the country is also in the 2022 festival’s “Made In” spotlight), “The Great Experiment” (U.S.), “Cynara” (Canada), “Joonam” (U.S.), “Eulogy for the Dead Sea” (Canada), and “Company of Steel,” about three young Ukrainian war veterans who return home only to face a new challenges with the start of the Russian invasion in February 2022.

The work-in-progress screening of “Company” and the Slava Ukraini session are made possible through Hot Docs’ partnership with Docudays UA, Ukraine's largest documentary event, which is held annually in late March in Kyiv, but "postponed due to the war,” its website makes clear.

Hot Docs Industry LIVE closes with Into the New, featuring Marie Nelson and Marsha Cooke discussing what is energizing their work in the roles they have moved into at ABC and ESPN Films.

The full industry schedule is available on the Hot Docs website.


baishui 发表于 2022-10-24 08:13:51

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查看完整版本: 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-热门文档:在线市场,现场行业会议旨在激发重新连接/Hot Docs: Market Stays Online, Live Industry Conference Aims to Spark Reconnection