我爱高清 发表于 2022-7-5 00:31:21

纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-历史悠久的东德分销商进度电影重新启动,收购了Sergei Loznitsa的戛纳首映式(独家)/Historic East German Distributor Progress Film Relaunches, Acquires Sergei Loznitsa’s Cannes Premiere (EXCLUSIVE)

历史悠久的东德分销商进度电影重新启动,收购了Sergei Loznitsa的戛纳首映式(独家)
Historic East German Distributor Progress Film Relaunches, Acquires Sergei Loznitsa’s Cannes Premiere (EXCLUSIVE)

Progress Film是1950年成立的历史分销商,旨在处理由东德的国有电影制片厂制作的电影的发行,它宣布了重新启动戏剧发行和国际销售的计划。该公司还收购了Sergei Loznitsa的“毁灭性的自然历史”,”将在戛纳电影节上进行特别放映,将其全球首映。进步正在处理世界销售以及在德国计划的分销,它正在计划戏剧发布。基于第二次世界大战的档案录像,“破坏的自然历史”提出了问题:使用平民人口作为战争手段,在道德上可以接受。,是否有可能出于更高的“道德”理想来证明大规模杀伤性的合理性?今天的问题与80年前一样重要,在俄罗斯在乌克兰正在进行的战争中变得更加紧迫。在东德的托尔(Tor)直到柏林墙倒塌,使其成为20世纪最大的欧洲电影发行商之一。当时该公司的目标部分是为了证明乌托邦的乌托邦占领了以前传播的纳粹宣传。德国统一后,进步着重于发展和分发前共产主义共和国的庞大电影遗产。它作为电影档案馆的工作得到了全球范围内的认可,除了DEFA基金会之外,该基金会的建立是为了保留国有的德意志电影院电影制作的电影制作的电影,其他档案将其持有的股份托付给了索引和评估,包括越南电影,研究所,天主教会和德国电视台的广播公司(ARD)。进步电影制作的Courtesy使用最新的AI方法来数字化,修复和元数据创建,并为全球通信的档案平台运营Y的档案研究人员在其网站上。它打算每年处理三到六部纪录片和小说电影的精选板块,重点是历史和当代相关性之间的交集。作为档案,进步发现了创建“破坏自然历史”的重要材料它的持有。借助Loznitsa的最新作品,它还恢复了其作为戏剧作品的电影发行商和世界销售代理商的传统角色,并将发行这部电影作为其在德国电影院72年历史的新章节中的第一部作品。该公司还将在全球市场上代表这部电影。进度电影首席执行官Gunnar Dedio评论说:“我在东德长大,艾森斯坦(Eisenstein)的杰作和塔科夫斯基(Tarkovsky)在我的家乡电影院,“和平剧院”(Progress)展示了“和平剧院”。 (剧院德弗里登斯)在罗斯托克。今天,这对我来说是一个巨大的荣誉和责任,因为进步的首席执行官恢复了这位旧版分销商的72年历史Loznitsa出生于Kyiv,这是Sergei Loznitsa的新杰作。他随后的特色“ The Event”(2015年),“ Austerlitz”(2016年),“审判”(2018年)和“州葬礼”(2019年)(2019年)在威尼斯电影节特别放映部分中介绍了。 2021年,他因其电影《巴比·雅尔》(Babi Yar)的最佳纪录片获得了特别陪审团的金眼奖。背景。”“破坏的自然历史”由Lookfilm(德国),Studio Uljana Kim(立陶宛),Atoms&Void(荷兰),Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg和Mitteldeedeutscher rundfunk产生文化和媒体大臣柏林 - 布兰登堡,立陶宛电影中心,荷兰电影基金会和创意欧洲媒体程序。

Progress Film, the historic distributor established in 1950 to handle the release of films produced by communist East Germany’s state-owned film studio, has announced plans to relaunch theatrical distribution and international sales.

The company has also acquired Sergei Loznitsa’s “The Natural History of Destruction,” which will have its world premiere as a special screening at the Cannes Film Festival. Progress is handling world sales as well as distribution in Germany, where it’s planning a theatrical release.

Based on WWII archive footage, “The Natural History of Destruction” puts forward the questions: Is it morally acceptable to use civilian populations as a means of war, and is it possible to justify mass destruction for the sake of higher “moral” ideals? Those questions remain as relevant today as they were 80 years ago, becoming ever more urgent amid Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine.

Progress Film was founded in East Berlin in 1950 and was the only distributor in East Germany until the fall of the Berlin Wall, making it one of the biggest European film distributors of the 20th century. The company’s aim at the time was in part to demonstrate the utopia of a better life as a substitute to the Nazi propaganda previously disseminated.

After German reunification, Progress focused on developing and distributing the former communist republic’s vast film heritage. Its work as a film archive was recognized worldwide and beyond the DEFA Foundation, which was established to preserve the films produced by the state-owned Deutsche Film-Aktiengesellschaft studio, other archives entrusted their holdings to Progress for indexing and evaluation, including the Vietnam Film Institute, the Catholic Church, and broadcasters of German television (ARD).

Progress uses the latest AI methods for digitization, restoration and metadata creation and operates an archive platform for the worldwide community of archive researchers at its website. It intends to handle a select slate of three to six documentary and fiction films per year, with a focus on the intersection between historical and contemporary relevance.

As an archive, Progress found essential material for the creation of “The Natural History of Destruction” in its holdings. With Loznitsa’s latest, it also resumes its traditional role as a film distributor and world sales agent for theatrical productions and will release the film as the first production in this new chapter of its 72-year history in German cinemas. The company will also represent the film on the worldwide market.

Gunnar Dedio, CEO of Progress Film, commented: “I grew up in East Germany with the masterpieces of Eisenstein and Tarkovsky shown by Progress in my hometown cinema, the ‘Theater of Peace’ (Theater des Friedens) in Rostock. It’s a huge honor and responsibility for me today as the CEO of Progress to resume the 72-year history of this legacy distributor with a new masterpiece by Sergei Loznitsa.”

Born in Kyiv, Loznitsa has received wide acclaim for documentaries such as “Maidan” (2014), which chronicled the 2014 Ukrainian revolution and had its world premiere at a special screening in Cannes. His subsequent features “The Event” (2015), “Austerlitz” (2016), “The Trial” (2018) and “State Funeral” (2019) were presented in the Special Screenings section of the Venice Film Festival. In 2021 he received a Special Jury Prize, the Golden Eye award, for best documentary in Cannes for his film “Babi Yar. Context.”

“The Natural History of Destruction” is produced by LOOKSfilm (Germany), Studio Uljana Kim (Lithuania), ATOMS & VOID (The Netherlands), Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, and Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk and supported by Eurimages, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, Germany's Minister of State for Culture and the Media, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, the Lithuanian Film Center, the Netherlands Film Fund and Creative Europe’s Media program.


tq1 发表于 2022-10-18 12:05:39


mandyliu 发表于 2022-11-6 15:14:44


chwuyang 发表于 2022-12-6 22:33:40

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查看完整版本: 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-历史悠久的东德分销商进度电影重新启动,收购了Sergei Loznitsa的戛纳首映式(独家)/Historic East German Distributor Progress Film Relaunches, Acquires Sergei Loznitsa’s Cannes Premiere (EXCLUSIVE)