纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-导演苏珊·里贾纳·梅尔斯(Susanne Regina Meures)与“女孩帮”探索社交媒体明星的底面/Director Susanne Regina Meures Explores The Underside of Social Media Stardom With ‘Girl Gang’
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/hddoc/news/2022/07/0500/2717luxoiybxgv5.jpg导演苏珊·里贾纳·梅尔斯(Susanne Regina Meures)与“女孩帮”探索社交媒体明星的底面
Director Susanne Regina Meures Explores The Underside of Social Media Stardom With ‘Girl Gang’
在CPH:DOX竞争中放映的“女孩团伙”,本周在Hot Docs举行了北美首映式,提供了一个幕后观察的幕后观察,这是一个几乎不知所措的行业。但是,在这项对青春期有影响力的人莱昂妮(Leonie),她所有的渴望的父母以及众多粉丝喜欢,分享和订阅家庭的每一篇文章的研究中柏林的郊区,这个社交媒体明星的特殊故事反映了世界各地发现的那些故事。“这是一种全球现象,实际上在美国和中国达到顶峰,” Meures告诉《综艺》。“我寻找可以将我的主题的细节超越更大的人。他们的故事是普遍的。”您什么时候第一次了解Leonie?是什么吸引了她的故事?这一切都始于2017年。当我在公园里看到一群女孩在做慢动作的哑剧时,我在柏林。现在,我们一个LL知道Tiktok,但是那时,我觉得自己正在进入一个新的演讲和自我反省宇宙。我开始想知道当代女孩帮派,因此是电影的标题。他们是谁?他们在哪里闲逛?他们怎么看?什么使他们移动?我与12至15岁之间的大约160个女孩进行了交谈,直到我在社交媒体活动中遇到Leonie。她当时只有13岁,已经有50万追随者,她团结了一个通过社交媒体生活的女孩的所有特征。莱昂妮(Leonie)的故事似乎是关于梦想,幻想和自我认知的完美现代冒险,到了86%的接受调查的青少年说他们想成为一名影响者的时候。影响者。为什么要保持这种区别?最初,我计划制作一部关于一群女孩,莱昂妮和她的朋友的电影。一旦我开始拍摄,我很快就意识到这部电影不是关于莱昂妮和她的朋友,而是而是关于她和她的家人。那就是故事的所在。当潜入Leonie的社交媒体领域时,它使我意识到,当代女孩团伙不再是公园里的女孩。这是数百万的女孩在网上挂起和聚集。因此,尽管转移了我的重点,但从一开始就一直在那里的电影标题变得更加相关。在四年的时间里,您跟随Leonie和她的父母。除了命运和臭名昭著的增长外,他们在个人层面上发生了什么变化?首先,他们变得非常忙碌。他们的日常生活是根据工作请求和产生内容的压力来指示和结构的。家庭生活已经变成了一项业务,尤其是自从莱昂妮的父母接管她的管理层以来。当莱昂妮(Leonie)进入青春期时,我可以看到轻度和笑声都在消失,这是这个星球上任何家庭都不容易的时期。她的父母面临着更加困难的情况:他们必须保护莱昂即作为父母,同时推动她作为经理工作。这并不是一件容易的事,但我从未见过他们认真质疑他们对生活的选择。这已经成为他们的现实。莱昂妮(Leonie)在尖叫的年轻球迷呼唤着甲壳虫乐队(Beatsexles)的镜头时,莱昂妮(Leonie)访问购物中心。如果这种少年狂热者总是有固有的强度,那么如何说这种文化已经改变,因为它围绕有影响力的人而不是流行偶像而定向?这是一个有趣的发展。并不是在1960年代与甲壳虫乐队甚至1990年代的所有男孩乐队一样。现在,我们让女孩为自己的影响者偶像而哭泣和晕倒。Leonie的成功是她的能力。她是他们的朋友,她几乎与他们分享了生活的每个部分。他们可以给她发消息。她似乎很近,以至于他们几乎可以触摸她。Instagram有点像学校的场地,莱昂妮(Leonie)是受欢迎的女孩。女孩项目他们对更好的自我的梦想和莱昂妮完全反映了这一点,正是因为她是如此相似。 Leonie可能不会回答她收到的每一个信息,但是Fan和Idol之间的对应关系在这些平台上变得越来越普遍。基于互联网的交流时代,粉丝还能够克服地理局限性,聚集在一起,形成团体并开始社区。粉丝通常能够像电影中的梅兰妮一样再次成为领导者。她是莱昂(Leonie)最伟大的粉丝,但她本人在Instagram上有成千上万的追随者。这些天,粉丝们能够参与更广泛的活动:编辑内容,发表评论,分享照片和视频。结果,粉丝们正在积极地拨出具有新的和原始含义的流行文化内容。平衡发生了变化,为风扇提供了更大的力量和控制。d您采用诸如童话风格的书挡和合唱成绩等框架设备来与非常数字时代的叙述合作?这个故事都有当代童话的所有品质,我知道这部电影需要额外的一层。在我们的日常生活中看到女孩在手机上是如此根深蒂固(很容易被忽视)。 “从前”开始安装距离;它使我们站起来见证了一些非凡的东西。我之所以选择合唱音乐,是因为我觉得它完美地翻译了渴望,这是电影中最内向的情感。我们所有人都努力成为社区的一部分,这是更大事物的一部分。音乐将观众与这个话题的宗教素质联系在一起,我们都感到内心的渴望。Leonie和她的家人可能不会分享电影对影响者经济的更矛盾的看法。在观点之间取得正确的平衡有多重要?自从我开始拍摄“女孩帮”以来,很多电影T社交媒体已发布。这些其他电影大多试图警告我们[这个世界的危险]。没关系,只有我有不同的方法。为了理解和展示世界,我喜欢爬入事物的中心,然后将其内部旋转。我可能会通过自己的理解来塑造故事,但是我试图解释和向主角的宇宙与我如何体验的宇宙。我不是要判断他们对生活的选择。
“Girl Gang,” which screened in competition at CPH:DOX and has its North American premiere this week at Hot Docs, offers a behind-the-scenes look at an industry hardly known for reticence. But in this study of adolescent influencer Leonie, her all too eager parents, and the legions of fans liking, sharing and subscribing to the family’s every post, director Susanne Regine Meures offers a more intimate look at the world of modern celebrity.
Though set in the suburbs of Berlin, this particular story of social media stardom mirrors those found all around the world. “It is a global phenomenon which actually peaks in the U.S. and in China,” Meures tells Variety. “I looked for individuals that could transcend the specifics of my topics into something bigger. Their story is universal.”
When did you first learn about Leonie? What drew you to her story?
It all started back in 2017. I was in Berlin when I saw a group of girls in a park doing slow motion pantomimes. Now, we all know about TikTok, but back then, I felt that I was entering a new universe of presentation and self-reflection. I started wondering about the contemporary girl gang, hence the film’s title.
Who are they? Where do they hang out? How do they think? What moves them? I spoke to around 160 girls between the ages of 12 and 15 until I met Leonie at a social media event. She was 13 years old and already had half a million followers, and she united all the traits of a girl that lives a life through social media. Leonie’s story seemed to be the perfect modern day adventure about dreams, illusions and self-perception, coming at a time when 86% of teenagers surveyed said they want to become an influencer.
The title denotes a group, though the film just follows a single influencer. Why keep that distinction?
Initially, I had planned to make a film about a group of girls, Leonie and her friends. Once I started filming, I quickly realized that this film was not about Leonie and her friends – but rather about her and her family. That’s where the story was. When diving into Leonie’s social media spheres, it dawned on me that the contemporary girl gang is not the group of girls in the park anymore. It’s the millions of girls hanging and congregating online. So, despite shifting my focus, the film title, which had been there from the beginning, became even more relevant.
You followed Leonie and her parents over the course of four years. Apart from rising in fortune and notoriety, how have they changed on a personal level?
First, they have become incredibly busy. Their daily lives are dictated and structured by job requests and the pressures to produce content. Family life has turned into a business, especially since Leonie’s parents have taken over her management. I could see lightness and laughter fading all while Leonie was entering puberty - a time that isn’t easy in any household on this planet. Her parents were facing an even more difficult situation: They had to protect Leonie as parents while at the same time pushing her to work as her managers. Not an easy deed, but I never saw them seriously question their choice of life. It has become their reality.
Sequences where Leonie visits shopping centers amid throngs of screaming young fans call to mind footage of The Beatles from the early 1960s. If there’s always been an inherent intensity to this sort of teenage fandom, how would say that that culture has changed now that it’s oriented around influencers and not pop idols?
It’s an interesting development. It’s not like in the 1960s with the Beatles or even the 1990s with all the boy bands. Now we have girls crying and fainting over their influencer idols. Leonie’s success is her reachability. She is their friend and she shares almost every part of her life with them. They can message her. She is so seemingly close that they can almost touch her. Instagram is a bit like a school ground, with Leonie being the popular girl. The girls project their dreams of a better self and Leonie reflects that perfectly, precisely because she is so similar. Leonie might not reply to every message she receives, but the correspondence between fan and idol has become much more common on these platforms.
You introduced the character of Melanie - a fan who develops a powerful bond to Leonie - to reflect as much.
In the era of internet-based communication, fans are also able to overcome geographical limitations to gather together, form groups and start communities. Often the fans are able to become leaders themselves again, just like Melanie in the film. She is Leonie’s greatest fan, but she herself has thousands of followers on Instagram. Fans are able to engage in a much broader spectrum of activities these days: editing content, posting comments, sharing photos and videos. As a result, fans are actively appropriating popular culture content with new and original meaning. The balance has shifted, giving the fan more power and control.
Why did you employ framing devices like fairytale-esque bookends and a choral score to work with or even against a very digital age narrative?
The story has all the qualities of a contemporary fairy tale and I knew the film needed an additional layer. Seeing girls on their mobile phones is so ingrained in our everyday life . The “Once Upon a Time” beginning installs a distance; it makes us stand back to witness something extraordinary. I chose choral music because I feel that it perfectly translates longing, the innermost emotion of the film. We all strive to become part of a community, part of something bigger. The music connects the audience to the religious quality of the topic, the longing to belong we all feel inside.
Leonie and her family would likely not share the film’s more ambivalent take on the influencer economy. How important was it to strike the right balance between views?
Since I started filming “Girl Gang,” a lot of films about social media have been released. These other films have mostly tried to warn us . That’s ok, only I have a different approach. In order to understand and to present the world, I like to crawl into the very center of things and turn them inside out. I may shape the story through my own understanding, but I try to interpret and show the universe of the protagonists as closely to how I experience it as possible. It is not on me to judge their choice of life.
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