纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“蓝岛”,“孤独地理”赢得了热门文档的顶级陪审团荣誉/‘Blue Island,’ ‘Geographies of Solitude’ Win Top Jury Honors at Hot Docs
‘Blue Island,’ ‘Geographies of Solitude’ Win Top Jury Honors at Hot Docs
Chan Tze Woon的“ Blue Island”是一款Doc-Narrative Hybrid,探索了香港最近的抗议运动并随后进行镇压,赢得了Hot Docs的最佳国际专题纪录片奖和CND。 $ 10,000现金奖励,周六在多伦多在Tiff Bell Lightbox举行的音乐节颁奖典礼上宣布。这部电影是由陪审团引用的,因为其“令人回味的使用重新制定与传统的纪录片相互交织,以创建丰富的社会形式北美对“蓝岛”的权利是由纽约纪录片发行人Icarus电影夺取的,这是该电影在Hot Docs举行的世界首映之前,这是一场奥斯卡金像奖资格节目的著名纪录片。彼得·雅姆(Peter Yam)制作的“蓝岛”现在自动有资格在学院的最佳纪录片类别中考虑,只要它符合学院规则。Ntary竞赛部分看到了特别陪审团奖和CDN $ 5,000现金,授予劳拉·福尔曼(Laura Faerman)和玛丽娜·韦斯(Marina Weis)的“风吹吹边境”,讲述了巴西的一名土著妇女,她在社区的祖先土地上对农业综合企业进行了抗争。陪审团表示,这部电影是如何“记录扎根于人类社会冲突的正在进行的自然危机”。新兴的国际电影制片人奖获得了3,000美元的现金奖,并向Bogna Kowalczyk颁发了她的处女作《 Boylesque》,肖像,这是Bogna Kowalczyk波兰最古老的戏剧皇后。总部位于蒙特利尔的电影制片人雅克琳·米尔斯(Jacquelyn Mills)的《孤独地理》(Geographies of Solitude of Solitude),讲述了自学成才的环保主义者佐伊·卢卡斯(Zoe Lucas)的生活和在新斯科舍省的偏远黑貂岛上的工作,赢得了Hot Docs的加拿大最佳纪录片奖和CND。 10,000美元的现金奖励。陪审团引用了这部电影(工厂指挥,16毫米拍摄并进行了编辑),以揭示自然世界与人类在唱歌中的过度交叉点的能力乌拉尔(Ular)孤立的岛屿,通过精心制作和逮捕的视觉和听觉故事。”这部电影是由米尔斯(Mills)和罗莎莉·奇科(Rosalie Chicoine Perreault)制作的。“地理”,最近在韩国的全库国际局(Jeonju Intl)的国际比赛部分中赢得了最佳电影。电影节并在今年早些时候首映的柏林电影节上获得了三项奖品,还获得了米尔斯伯爵·格里克(Earl A.竞赛。该奖项带有CDN。 3,000美元的现金奖励。加拿大功能竞赛部分还看到了DGC特别陪审团奖 -CANADIAN专题纪录片和CDN $ 5,000现金奖励,送给ZaynêAkyol的“ Rojek”,该奖项“ Rojek”,捕获了叙利亚拘留中心的伊斯兰国成员之间的对话,以及哪些陪审团因其“对主体的生活经历和内部生活的好奇心,自反思性的审讯of纪录片制作过程。”陪审团还向努拉·凯沃克(Noura Kevorkian)的“巴塔塔(Batata)”提到了荣誉。“ Rewind&Play”,其中电影制片人Alain Gomis在法国电视台上对Thelonious Monk进行了1969年对Thelonious Monk的采访,获得了最佳中期纪录片奖和CDN。 3,000美元现金奖,艾米·贝奇(Amy Bench)的“比我记得的还要多”,关于刚果民主共和国民事冲突流离失所的家庭,获得了最佳国际短片纪录片奖;基特拉·卡哈纳(Kitra Cahana)的“完善渴望的艺术”是关于四肢瘫痪的拉比(Rabbi),他在锁定期间与亲人被切断,赢得了贝蒂·尤森(Betty Youson)最佳加拿大短片纪录片奖。每个简短的文档还获得了3,000美元的现金奖励,并有资格获得奥斯卡金像奖奖的纪录片简短主题类别。Scotiabankfor Schools for Schools for Schools Colece Award,该奖项由学生民意调查确定,该奖项是音乐节的学校文档课程的一部分,去了丹尼尔·罗尔(Daniel Roher)的“纳瓦尼。”该奖项颁发了5,000美元的现金Prizethe Lindalee Tracey奖,该奖项获得了5,000美元的后期制作服务奖和手工吹制玻璃雕塑,并获得了伊朗加拿大电影制片人Avazeh Shahnavaz。年度奖项旨在表彰新兴的加拿大电影制片人,并具有“热情的观点,强烈的社会正义感和幽默感”。印度电影制片人Anand Patwardhan获得了2022年的杰出成就奖,他的作品在今年的回顾计划中亮相。在音乐节的早些时候,Eyesteelfilm联合创始人Mila Aung-Thwin是“ Midwives”的制片人和编辑,被任命为今年的Don Haig奖,该奖项获得了杰出的独立制片人,并在音乐节上获得了一部电影,以表彰他的电影节。他们的创造力,企业家精神和致力于培养新兴人才的承诺;该奖项将获得5,000美元的现金奖励。罗杰斯观众奖最佳纪录片将于周日宣布热门文档的最后一天。观众民意调查中的加拿大前三名功能将获得50,000美元的现金奖励。音乐节结束后,总体观众奖得主将宣布。
Chan Tze Woon's “Blue Island,” a doc-narrative hybrid exploring Hong Kong's recent protest movement and ensuing crackdown, won Hot Docs’ Best International Feature Documentary Award and a Cnd. $10,000 cash prize, it was announced Saturday in Toronto at the festival’s awards ceremony, held at the TIFF Bell Lightbox.
The film was cited by the jury for its “evocative use of re-enactments interwoven with traditional documentary forms to create a rich, socially-grounded cinematic tapestry.”
North American rights to “Blue Island” were picked up by New York-headquartered documentary distributor Icarus Films in advance of the film’s world premiere at Hot Docs, which is an Academy Award qualifying festival for feature documentaries. Produced by Peter Yam, “Blue Island” now automatically qualifies for consideration in the Academy’s Best Documentary Feature category without the standard theatrical run, provided it complies with Academy rules.
The International Feature Documentary Competition section saw the Special Jury Prize and Cdn $5,000 cash awarded to Laura Faerman and Marina Weis’s “The Wind Blows the Border,” about an Indigenous women in Brazil who battled agribusiness expansion on her community’s ancestral land. The jury stated it appreciated how the film “documents an unfolding natural crisis rooted in human social conflict.”
The Emerging International Filmmaker Award, which comes with a $3,000 cash prize, was presented to Bogna Kowalczyk for her debut feature “Boylesque,” a portrait of Poland's oldest drag queen.
Montreal-based filmmaker Jacquelyn Mills’ “Geographies of Solitude,” about self-taught environmentalist Zoe Lucas’ life and work on Nova Scotia’s remote Sable Island, won Hot Docs’ Best Canadian Feature Documentary Award and a Cnd. $10,000 cash prize.
The jury cited the film—which Mills directed, shot in 16mm, and edited—for its “deft ability to reveal the complex intersections between the natural world and humanity’s excesses on a singular isolated island through strongly crafted and arresting visual and aural storytelling.” The film is produced by Mills and Rosalie Chicoine Perreault.
“Geographies,” which recently won best film in the international competition section at South Korea’s Jeonju Intl. Film Festival and picked up three prizes at the Berlin Film Festival, where it premiered earlier this year, also earned Mills the Earl A. Glick Emerging Canadian Filmmaker Award, which is given to a Canadian filmmaker with a first or second feature-length film in competition. The award comes with a Cdn. $3,000 cash prize.
The Canadian feature competition section also saw the DGC Special Jury Prize—Canadian Feature Documentary and a Cdn $5,000 cash prize go to Zaynê Akyol’s “Rojek,” which captures the revealing conversations between Islamic State members in Syrian detention centers, and which the jury cited for its “sensitive curiosity about its subjects' lived experiences and internal lives, self-reflexive interrogation of the documentary filmmaking process.” The jury also gave an honorable mention to Noura Kevorkian’s “Batata.”
“Rewind & Play,” in which filmmaker Alain Gomis revisits a 1969 interview with Thelonious Monk on French television, won the Best Mid-Length Documentary Award and a Cdn. $3,000 cash prize,
Amy Bench’s “More Than I Remember,” about a family that is displaced by civil strife in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,” won Best International Short Documentary Award; Kitra Cahana’s “Perfecting the Art of Longing,” about a quadriplegic rabbi who is cut off from his loved ones during the lockdown, won the Betty Youson Award for Best Canadian Short Documentary. Each short doc also won a $3,000 cash prize and qualifies for consideration in the Documentary Short Subject category of the Academy Awards.
Scotiabank Docs for Schools Student Choice Award, which is determined by a student poll conducted as part of the festival’s Docs for Schools program, went to Daniel Roher’s “Navalny." The award comes with a $5,000 cash prize
The Lindalee Tracey Award, which comes with a $5,000 award in post-production services and a hand-blown glass sculpture, went to Iranian Canadian filmmaker Avazeh Shahnavaz. The annual award honors an emerging Canadian filmmaker with a “passionate point of view, a strong sense of social justice and a sense of humour.”
Indian filmmaker Anand Patwardhan received the 2022 Outstanding Achievement Award, and his work was featured in this year’s Retrospective Program. Earlier in the festival, EyeSteelFilm cofounder Mila Aung-Thwin, a producer and editor on “Midwives,” was named as the recipient of this year’s Don Haig Award, which is given to an outstanding independent Canadian producer with a film in the festival in recognition of their creative vision, entrepreneurship, and commitment to nurturing emerging talent; the award comes with a $5,000 cash prize.
The Rogers Audience Award for Best Canadian documentary will be announced on Sunday, the last day of Hot Docs. The top three Canadian features in the audience poll will share in a $50,000 cash prize. The overall Audience Award winner will be announced after the festival.
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