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纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-Lana Gogoberidze制作有关她的母亲的电影,这是佐治亚州的第一部女性电影导演/Lana Gogoberidze Making Film About Her Mother, Georgia’s First Female Film Director

Lana Gogoberidze制作有关她的母亲的电影,这是佐治亚州的第一部女性电影导演
Lana Gogoberidze Making Film About Her Mother, Georgia’s First Female Film Director

经验丰富的佐治亚州导演/作家Lana Gogoberidze正在编辑纪录片“重生”。这部电影是关于她的母亲,佐治亚州共和国第一任女性电影导演的母亲努萨·戈哥贝兹(Nutsa Gogoberidze),根据电影《新欧洲》(New Europe)的说法,她出生于桑吉洛(Saingilo)的一个乡村老师家庭,她在德国学习了哲学,然后才是电影导演。但是她的职业生涯在斯大林主义恐怖的岁月突然结束。她被捕并被驱逐出境,她的电影几乎迷失了。但是80年后,他们回到了屏幕上。对于她的女儿来说,这部纪录片是使母亲恢复生命的一种行为。“我想从搜索后,我们想在俄罗斯档案中发现我母亲褪色的电影。我的电影的主题代表了一个女人被整个世纪震惊的女人的故事,”戈哥贝兹在“ buba”的一组中告诉fne.nutsa gogoberidze,一方面,一方面是很友善的当时的苏联现实的皮学;毕竟,成千上万的妇女被俘虏并被驱逐出“人民敌人家族的成员。在苏联。“她的电影被苏联的审查员禁止,但是经过80年的迷失,他们回到了电影的历史,并引起了世界电影社区的关注。”这部电影完全基于档案材料,由乔治亚(Georgia)的3003胶片制作通过Akaki Togonidze和Salome Alexi-Meskhishvili制作。该项目得到了格鲁吉亚国家电影中心(GNFC)的支持,2021年欧元为21,695欧元。总预算为39,000欧元39,000.FNE。”除了档案电影和照片外,这部电影还将经常依靠电影镜头。显然,首先,来自Nutsa Gogoberidze的电影,但也是如此我,我使用了自己的电影中的许多场景,这些场景描绘了一个没有母亲的孩子的生活中的不同时刻。我希望关于艺术力量的故事对公众来说很有趣。也就是说,这部电影必须再次说服我们手稿不会燃烧的真相。《太阳》(1964年),《杏仁开花时》(1972年),“关于个人事务的一些访谈”(1978年),“日期超过夜晚”(1983年),参加了戛纳电影节和“华尔兹”Petschora”(1992年),参加了威尼斯电影节。这篇文章与在线新闻服务电影《新欧洲》合作发表,该电影涵盖了来自中欧和东欧的电影和电视行业新闻。

Veteran Georgian director/writer Lana Gogoberidze is editing documentary feature "Returning to Life." The film is about her mother, Nutsa Gogoberidze, who was the Republic of Georgia's first female film director, according to Film New Europe.

Born into a rural teacher's family in Saingilo, she studied philosophy in Germany, before becaming a film director. But her career ended abruptly in the years of the Stalinist terror. She was arrested and deported, and her films were nearly lost. But 80 years later, they are back on screen. For her daughter, the documentary is an act of returning her mother to life.

"I wanted to make this film from the time when, after many searches, we found my mother's faded films in the Russian archives. The theme of my film represents the story of a woman who was struck by the cataclysms of an entire century," Gogoberidze told FNE.

"It is, on the one hand, very typical of the Soviet reality of the time; after all, millions of women were captured and deported as ‘members of the family of the enemy of the people.’ On the other hand, this story is distinguished because my mother was the first female director in Georgia and one of the first female directors in the Soviet Union.

"Her films were banned by Soviet censors, but after 80 years of being lost, they returned to the history of cinema and are receiving the attention of the world film community."

The film, which is based entirely on archive materials, is produced by Akaki Togonidze and Salome Alexi-Meskhishvili through Georgia’s 3003 Film Production. The project was supported by the Georgian National Film Center (GNFC) with Euros 21,695 in 2021. The total budget is Euros 39,000.

"In addition to archive films and photos, the film will frequently rely on film footage. Obviously, first of all, from Nutsa Gogoberidze's films, but at the same time, I use a lot of scenes from my own films, which depict different moments in the life of a child left without a mother. I hope the story about the power of art is interesting to the public. That is, the film must once again convince us of the truth that manuscripts do not burn," Gogoberidze said.

The film is set for completion in November or December this year.

Lana Gogoberidze directed nine features and four documentary films, including "I See the Sun" (1964), "When Almonds Blossom" (1972), "Some Interviews on Personal Matters" (1978), "Day Is Longer Than Night" (1983), which competed at Cannes Film Festival, and "The Waltz on the Petschora" (1992), which competed at Venice Film Festival.

This article is published in partnership with online news service Film New Europe, which covers film and TV industry news from across Central and Eastern Europe.


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查看完整版本: 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-Lana Gogoberidze制作有关她的母亲的电影,这是佐治亚州的第一部女性电影导演/Lana Gogoberidze Making Film About Her Mother, Georgia’s First Female Film Director