我爱高清 发表于 2022-7-5 00:14:51

纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-戛纳Doc Day阵容包括有关“ Polaris”,“ Moonage Daydream”,印度电影制片人的讨论/Cannes’ Doc Day Lineup Includes Discussions on ‘Polaris,’ ‘Moonage Daydream,’ Indian Filmmakers

戛纳Doc Day阵容包括有关“ Polaris”,“ Moonage Daydream”,印度电影制片人的讨论
Cannes’ Doc Day Lineup Includes Discussions on ‘Polaris,’ ‘Moonage Daydream,’ Indian Filmmakers

戛纳电影市场的戛纳Docs侧边栏宣布了其年度Doc Day的阵容,该日期将于5月24日举行。这一天将开幕,上午的会议致力于酸戛纳2022年的2022年标题“ Polaris”,由组织者描述为“ A polaris”。一位女性电影制片人在北极的背景下,创造性和人类的旅程与毫不妥协,温柔而大胆的电影制作交织在一起。”题为“生产之旅”,会议将把戛纳Docs合作伙伴DAE(欧洲纪录片协会)的联合创始人Marion Schmidt召集在一起HertlingPéronard(ánorâk电影)。一天的前半段还将在波兰导演与编剧Agnieszka Holland之间进行讨论,2022年L'-il d'Or陪审团总裁兼欧洲电影学院院长和Pauline Durand-Vialle的总裁,欧洲电影总监联合会的首席执行官。欧洲之一荷兰是电影业最受欢迎的人物和不懈的社会和政治竞选者,在柏林电影节“ Spoor”中获得了多个奖项。她因“欧罗巴欧罗巴”和“黑暗中的欧罗巴”提名奥斯卡,也获得了奥斯卡提名。事件还包括布雷特·摩根(Brett Morgan)(“简”,“库尔特·科本:赫克蒙太奇”)的对话,他指挥,写作,撰写并制作了戛纳电影节2022年的标题“ Moonage Daydream”,这是有史以来由Bowie Estate制裁的第一部电影,以及Fremantle纪录片全球纪录片主管Mandy Chang。制作五年的“月亮做梦”具有以前未发行的35毫米和16毫米镜头的镜头,摘自Bowie的个人档案。它将在戛纳电影节的午夜部分中放映,并将在2023年春季在HBO和HBO Max上进行流媒体首映。DocDay下午会议是“新一代的印度Doc Makers- 思想和印象”和“女权主义者反击 - 一部电影叙述。”前者带来S Indian电影制片人Shaunak Sen在一起,他的长篇文档“所有呼吸”在今年的圣丹斯(Sundance)获得了世界纪录片大陪审团奖,并且是Cannes 2022特别放映,导演Sushmit Ghosh和Rintu Thomas的首次亮相。 “用火写”赢得了多项奖项,包括2021年的两个圣丹斯奖和2022年的奥斯卡提名,拉胡尔·贾恩(Rahul Jain)(“隐形恶魔,戛纳2021年),雪莉·亚伯拉罕(Shirley Abraham)和阿米特·马德希亚(Amit Madheshiya)(“电影院旅行者”,《戛纳电影节》,2016年)。 “女权主义反击 - 电影叙事”提出了玛丽·佩伦内斯(MariePerennès)和西蒙·德帕尔登(Simon DePardon)之间的对话,他的首次亮相特色“RiposteFéministe”是Cannes 2022的特殊放映的一部分,以及电影评论家和程序员Laura Pertuy。 “ RiposteFéministe”跟随法国激进主义者,他们将女性化剂受害者的名字涂抹在全国各地的墙壁上。它由Palmeraie etdésert和France 2Cinéma制作,狂野处理法国戏剧分布。结束主题演讲将是美国制片人Opal H. Bennett(“ POV短裤”),他们将重新想象有关多样性,公平和包容的讨论:“艺术机构如何超越公平,并将其重点转移到什么方面,将其重点转移到什么方面。各种艺术家社区需要蓬勃发展吗?戛纳Docs首席Pierre-Alexis Chevit在接受Variety的讲话时说:“我们对今年在戛纳电影节的Doc Day非常折衷的计划感到兴奋,从北极到印度……。通过大卫·鲍伊(David Bowie)!我们也很荣幸能够了解基本的社会政治问题,例如女权主义,多样性和包容性。如果Doc Day可以帮助提高人们对流派本身的非凡活力的意识,以及在我们时代最紧迫的挑战和战斗中,这是一场胜利!杜电影,WDOC Alliance的支持 - 由七个欧洲纪录片节的合作伙伴关系,包括CPH:哥本哈根Dox,Doclisboa,Docs to docs to docs to Docs,Dok Leipzig,Marseille纪录片电影节Jihlava Intl。纪录片电影节和景色duRéelNyon - 总部位于洛杉矶的制作公司参与者,与L'-il-d'Or,dae,cnc,酸和Unifrance合作。

The Cannes Docs sidebar of the Cannes Film Market has announced the lineup of its annual Doc Day, which takes place on May 24.

The day will open with a morning session dedicated to ACID Cannes 2022 title “Polaris,” described by organizers as “a creative and human journey interwoven with uncompromising, gentle and bold filmmaking by a woman filmmaker, set against the backdrop of the Arctic." Entitled “A Producing Journey,” the session will bring together Marion Schmidt, the co-founder of Cannes Docs partner DAE (Documentary Association of Europe), director Ainara Vera and producers Clara Vuillermoz (Point du Jour - Les Films du Balibari) and Emile Hertling Péronard (Ánorâk Film).

The first half of the day will also feature a discussion between Polish director and screenwriter Agnieszka Holland, president of the 2022 l'Œil d'or Jury and president of the European Film Academy, and Pauline Durand-Vialle, CEO of the Federation of European Film Directors. One of the European film industry's most acclaimed figures and a tireless social and political campaigner, Holland has won multiple awards including a Silver Bear at the Berlin Film Festival for “Spoor.” She was Oscar nominated for "Europa Europa" and "In Darkness" was Oscar nominated too.

Morning events also include a conversation between Brett Morgan (“Jane,” “Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck”), who directed, wrote and produced Cannes 2022 title “Moonage Daydream,” the first film ever sanctioned by the Bowie estate, and Mandy Chang, global head of documentaries at Fremantle.

Five years in the making, “Moonage Daydream” features previously unreleased 35mm and 16mm footage from Bowie's personal archives. It will be screened in the Cannes festival's Midnight Section and will make its streaming premiere on HBO and HBO Max in spring 2023.

Doc Day afternoon sessions are “A New Generation of Indian Doc Makers – Thoughts and Impressions” and “Feminist Counterattack – A Filmic Narrative.”

The former brings together Indian filmmaker Shaunak Sen, whose feature-length doc “All That Breathes” picked up the World Documentary Grand Jury Prize at Sundance this year, and is part of the Cannes 2022 Special Screenings, directors Sushmit Ghosh and Rintu Thomas, whose debut feature “Writing With Fire” won multiple prizes including two Sundance awards in 2021 and a 2022 Oscar nomination, Rahul Jain (“Invisible Demons,” Cannes 2021), and Shirley Abraham and Amit Madheshiya (“The Cinema Travelers,” Cannes 2016).

“Feminist Counterattack – A Filmic Narrative” proposes a conversation between Marie Perennès and Simon Depardon, whose debut feature “Riposte Féministe” is part of Cannes 2022's Special Screenings, and film critic and programmer Laura Pertuy. “Riposte Féministe” follows French activists who plaster the names of victims of feminicide on walls across the country. It is produced by Palmeraie et Désert and France 2 Cinéma, with Wild Bunch handling French theatrical distribution.

The closing keynote will be by U.S. producer Opal H. Bennett (“POV Shorts”) who will re-imagine the discussion around diversity, equity and inclusion with the question: “How can arts institutions go beyond equity, and turn their focus towards what various artist communities need to thrive?”

The Docs-In-Progress awards will be handed out at an evening ceremony and will be followed by a closing screening of “Polaris.”

Speaking to Variety, Cannes Docs chief Pierre-Alexis Chevit said: “We are excited with the very eclectic program we've put together for this year's Doc Day in Cannes, from the Arctic to India.... via David Bowie! We're also proud to be giving visibility to essential socio-political issues such as feminism, diversity and inclusion. If Doc Day can help raise awareness, even modestly, both on the extraordinary vitality of the genre itself, and on some of the most pressing challenges and battles of our time, then it's a win!”

Doc Day is organized by Cannes Docs-Marché du Film, with the support of Doc Alliance – a partnership of seven European documentary film festivals including CPH:DOX in Copenhagen, Doclisboa, Docs Against Gravity, DOK Leipzig, Marseille Festival of Documentary Film, Jihlava Intl. Documentary Film Festival and Visions du Réel Nyon – and Los Angeles-based production company Participant, in association with L’Œil d'or, DAE, CNC, ACID and Unifrance.


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查看完整版本: 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-戛纳Doc Day阵容包括有关“ Polaris”,“ Moonage Daydream”,印度电影制片人的讨论/Cannes’ Doc Day Lineup Includes Discussions on ‘Polaris,’ ‘Moonage Daydream,’ Indian Filmmakers